“I’ve been lucky enough to attend about 6 plays performed by “SF Friends Who Care” and each time my senses are amazed by the incredible sets and the dancing and gymnastic abilities of many of the performers.  But more importantly my spirits are lifted by the gentle, humorous and caring stories.  To sit in the audience with many very young children and see their amazed reactions to the various plot twists and turns is also so heartwarming.  The plays are so sweetly affirming of our capacities as humans to care for each other and to achieve by working together.  This group of creators and performers is such a perfect exemplar of caring and sharing with each other and with the community.  I am so very grateful to have been able to witness these performances over the years.” (William, Mathematics Learning Specialist)

“most extraordinary, jaw-dropping live theater performances that one can imagine [ . . . ] It is awesome to watch hundreds of young students riveted by the imaginative, creative shows that unfold on the stage [ . . . ] The music, sets and lighting are dazzling [ . . . ]  a magical moment in time that is the hope for our future as a community." (Elissa, Elementary School Teacher in SF)

“a spiritually uplifting experience [ . . . ] to see the creativity, hard work, and dedication. [ . . . ] Each show is designed to instill high moral values through the use of creative story telling that engage children’s imagination and evoke a great sense of joy, love, compassion and respect for other human beings, and for life in general, pointing the audience to the direction of higher human values. [ . . . ] truly a work of love and service to the community!" (Bahman, PhD)

“So beautifully performed, from homemade costumes, performers, display of each scene and  very thoughtful story…hard work involved in every inch to inch of the entire show.” (K.W.)

“ after the show, waiting in line among a lot of kids, seeing them mimic the moves from the show, I was deeply touched. Life is busy and crazy in silicon valley, but there are people who contributes their money, time, and enthusiasm to others.

Because of them, life is more beautiful! And even in the darkest moments, there are always light ahead and warm hands reaching out to help.” (Tina)

“I learned a lot of stuff [ . . . ] It was really funny. [ . . . ] My favit charater is Selina because she saved the word and did the right thing and it was really interesteing too.” (Frank, age 9)

"The shows are always so imaginative and a delight for the kids - and adults! Great costumes, creative scripts, incredible staging and special effects. For summer school groups, they are a highlight. Thank you!"(Nick, teacher, retired but still coming back for these wonderful productions)

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